Module Tools

module Tools: sig .. end
This Module contains various iterators over vectors computed by the CPU

This Module contains various iterators over vectors computed by the CPU
val iter : ('a -> 'b) -> ('a, 'c) Spoc.Vector.vector -> unit
val iteri : ('a -> int -> 'b) -> ('a, 'c) Spoc.Vector.vector -> unit
val map : ('a -> 'b) ->
('b, 'c) Spoc.Vector.kind ->
('a, 'd) Spoc.Vector.vector -> ('b, 'c) Spoc.Vector.vector
val trueCustom : bool Spoc.Vector.custom
val falseCustom : bool Spoc.Vector.custom
val fold_left : ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> ('b, 'c) Spoc.Vector.vector -> 'a
val fold_right : ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> ('a, 'c) Spoc.Vector.vector -> 'b -> 'b