View the Project on GitHub mathiasbourgoin/SPOC

Test OpenCL

open Spoc
open Kirc

let gpu_to_gray = kern v ->
  let open Std in
  let tid = thread_idx_x + block_dim_x * block_idx_x in
  if tid <= (512*512) then (
    let i = (tid*4) in
    let res = int_of_float ((0.21 *. (float (v.[<i>]))) +.
                            (0.71 *. (float (v.[<i+1>]))) +.
                            (0.07 *. (float (v.[<i+2>]))) ) in
    v.[<i>] <- res;
    v.[<i+1>] <- res;
    v.[<i+2>] <- res )

let append_text e s = Dom.appendChild e (document##createTextNode (Js.string s))

let button name action = 
  let b = createInput ~_type:(Js.string "button")  document in
  b##value <- (Js.string name);
  b##onclick <- handler action;
  b##style##margin <- Js.string "10px";

let measure_time s f =
  let t0 = Unix.gettimeofday () in
  let a = f () in
  let t1 = Unix.gettimeofday () in
  Printf.printf "Time %s : %Fs\n%!" s (t1 -. t0);

let compute devid devs data imageData c tf = 
  let dev = devs.(devid) in
  Printf.printf "Will use device : %s!"
  let gpu_vect = Spoc.Vector.create Vector.int32 (512*512*4)
  let s = Printf.sprintf "%s" (Js.to_string tf##value) in
  (fst gpu_to_gray)#set_opencl_sources s;
  Random.self_init ();
  for i = 0 to Vector.length gpu_vect - 1 do
    gpu_vect.[<i>] <- Int32.of_int (pixel_get data i);

  let threadsPerBlock = match dev.Devices.specific_info with
    | Devices.OpenCLInfo clI -> 
      (match clI.Devices.device_type with
       | Devices.CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU -> 1
       | _  ->   256)
    | _  -> 256 in

  let blocksPerGrid =
    ((512*512) + threadsPerBlock -1) / threadsPerBlock
  let block0 = {Spoc.Kernel.blockX = threadsPerBlock;
                Spoc.Kernel.blockY = 1; Spoc.Kernel.blockZ = 1}
  and grid0= {Spoc.Kernel.gridX = blocksPerGrid;
              Spoc.Kernel.gridY = 1; Spoc.Kernel.gridZ = 1} in
  measure_time "" 
    (fun () -> gpu_to_gray (gpu_vect) (block0,grid0) 0 dev);

  for i = 0 to Vector.length gpu_vect - 1 do
    let t = Int32.to_int gpu_vect.[<i>] in 
    pixel_set data i t
  c##putImageData (imageData, 0., 0.);

let f select_devices devs data imageData c tf = 
  (fun _ ->
     let select = select_devices##selectedIndex + 0 in
     compute select devs data imageData c tf;

let newLine _ = Dom_html.createBr document

let nodeJsText t =
  let sp = Dom_html.createSpan document in
  Dom.appendChild sp (document##createTextNode (t)) ;

let nodeText t =
  nodeJsText (Js.string t)

open Spoc

let go _ =

  let body =
    Js.Opt.get (document##getElementById (Js.string "section1"))
      (fun () -> assert false) in

  Dom.appendChild body (newLine ());
  let select_devices = createSelect document in
  Dom.appendChild body (nodeText "Choose a computing device : ");

  Dom.appendChild body select_devices;
  Dom.appendChild body (newLine ());

  let canvas = createCanvas document in
  canvas##width <- 512;
  canvas##height <- 512;
  canvas##style##margin <- Js.string "10px";

  let image : imageElement Js.t = createImg document in
  image##src <- Js.string "lena.png";

  let c = canvas##getContext (Dom_html._2d_) in
  image##onload <- 
    handler (fun _ -> 
        c##drawImage (image, 0., 0.); 
        Dom.appendChild body (newLine ());
        Dom.appendChild body canvas;
        let devs =
          Devices.init ~only:Devices.OpenCL () in	     
        let imageData = c##getImageData (0., 0., 512., 512.) in
        let data = imageData##data in
        ignore(Kirc.gen ~only:Devices.OpenCL
        let tf =  createTextarea document in
        Dom.appendChild body tf;

        tf##value <- Js.string 
               ((fst gpu_to_gray)#get_opencl_sources ()));
        Dom.appendChild body (newLine ());
        tf##rows <- 33;
        tf##cols <- 80;

          (fun n ->
             let option = createOption document in
             append_text option;
             Dom.appendChild select_devices  option)

        Dom.appendChild body (button "GO" (f select_devices devs data 
                                        imageData c tf ));

        Dom.appendChild body (button "Reset picture" (fun _ -> c##drawImage (image, 0., 0.); Js._false) );


let _ = 
  window##onload <- handler go